Concerts & Performances

The Concert Hall –one of the most singular in the world− is a magical space. An historical and contemporary stage for great concerts and recitals. 
Contact for Musical activities
Tel. 93 295 72 40
e-mail: [email protected]

Concert Hall

The Concert Hall of the Palau de la Música Catalana becomes a privileged stage for all kinds of music: symphonic, chamber, choral, jazz, modern music, flamenco, etc. The Modernist hall houses some of the most prestigious musical seasons in Barcelona, as well as internationally renowned festivals, offering the public a dual experience: enjoy music and architecture in a unique environment in the world.

Check the features of the Concert Hall

Petit Palau

The Petit Palau is a modern multipurpose hall with a capacity of 538 seats. With excellent acoustics, the room is particularly suitable for chamber music concerts and for other artistic events close to the public.

Check the features of the Petit Palau